Sunday, January 3, 2010

So now for the healing.

One of the things that I have decided is that I would like to do some charity work. I am trying to join the VFW and do work for the troops but they are giving me a really hard time. So in the meantime, I have decided to do some charity knitting. The month of December was devoted to making helmit liners for our troops. The project is a bit difficult but definitely worth it.

If anyone is interested in knitting the helmet liners, this project was througj Citizien Support for America's Military, also known as Citizen SAM. It is a nationwaide program based on volunteers who organize donations and support for soldiers. If you go to their website, you can download the pattern. Be warned that the colors are very specific they must be either charcoal, black, brown, tan or olive drab. The wool must be Peruvian Highland wool or a worsted weight superwash wool and you must attach the wool label to the helmit when mailing it out.

More of the barn. I didn't take pictures of the house.
A good part of the barn has been cleaned up. The house has been cleaned up (especially the basement). When spring comes I will work on the property.

This is the toxic materials that he left in the studio

The mess

Well I had to show everyone the mess that I was left with and all the work I am doing to bring my house back to order. The studio that was left partially built was trashed with toxic stuff. The rest of the barn was just total trash. The outside looked like a huge garbage dump. This is the outside picture.